Monday, October 4, 2010

Authentic Designer Handbags - A Great Gift

With so many choices on the market, how do you choose the right authentic designer handbags of faith that fits your needs? Not only do you have to choose a handbag designer who is a stunning and which corresponds to your method of collection, but it should match your body type and among other things.

Do not go after updating fashion craze when selecting authentic designer handbags and instead look for something that will be well with you when to use and convenient way. Handbags are not supposed to take your property?

Most women make the mistake of buying a handbag which is greater than their body size or vice versa, which could have an adverse effect on their overall prospects when they go to show that new purchase.

If you're not a person up, you should choose a bottle-shaped purse or a backpack which is not very large. However, if you have a model similar to the figure, large and thin, you should go for round or square-shaped handbags.

Choose the specific color of your authentic designer handbags is also important. If you need a handbag that can adjust most of your robes, you must select a style colored handbag. Do keep in mind for the color corresponds well with dresses that you have.

Most women tend to be more reasonable and go for a simple handbag color that will match easily with all that you have in the wardrobe. This prevents you from having a headache when you need to go on an outing with a matching handbag.

Do not neglect your budget. Some May opt for the same replica designer handbags, but is this really what you want to blow your money?

It may look the same and have the same appeal at a discounted price to boot, but you'll certainly feel awkward when you walk beside a friend who owns authentic designer handbags.

Not all handbags authentic designer must be very costly if. There are many suppliers to sell them at wholesale prices if you can find them. Do not forget to select affordable authentic designer handbags for your needs.

Casandra Brooks is a designer purse enthusiast, always willing to talk Designer Handbags or almost anything designer orientated. On her spare time Casandra researches Designer Purses

Authentic Handbags Wholesale - It's a Girl's Party!

There's nothing that makes a woman feel like a fashion hottie more than a stunningly gorgeous designer handbag. And the variety it comes in makes things even more rewarding. There's one of every shape, size, color and designer name and the fact that these bags are now selling at much cheaper prices is great news. One can even get them wholesale which means she can have collections upon collections of these bags all at once. Indeed, there's probably no time in the history of fashion handbags that they have been more fun, exciting and a part of every girl's life as they are now.

Of course, with the wide selection of possible choices to make, the task of actually choosing becomes just a little bit difficult. Just like any fashion item, a designer handbag, no matter what name it brings, should be chosen with consideration for the wearer's height and body shape for the most part. While it's tempting for every woman to choose a bag that's hot during a fashion season, it's always wise to stick to the basics. When it comes to shape, a golden rule may be to choose something slim and lengthy for short women and something large and round for tall ones. Most women also wear handbags to match their shoes, but those who are always on a budget will find it wise to choose neutral colors such as black, white and beige. With neutral colors, there's no need to keep buying new shoes that match the handbags or the other way around.

Any body type or height will obviously look good with either leather, canvas, or any other type of material. The quality of workmanship will be the most important as well as the occasion to which the bag is worn. Leathers are more flexible in the sense that one can use them for both formal and informal occasions, with differences being mainly on the design and size of the bag. Although it's good to carry around something lightweight, the best leathers are usually heavier. Canvas, however, tends to be awkward-looking when worn during formal evening occasions.

When it comes to price, all fashion-loving gals are ecstatic about recent trends that have made these wardrobe must-haves so much more affordable. Plus, there's an option for one to go into her own handbag business. Because anyone can get authentic handbags wholesale, these items come out even cheaper and with the option of being retailed. Indeed, a whole world of possibilities has been opened for women who don't only want to look good but make good income as well.

If you have any plans to add to your growing collection, check out online reviews about wholesale hand bag suppliers so you'll know where it's best to get yours and make sure you get no less than authentic handbags wholesale.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Selling Designer Handbags - How to Jump Start Your Wholesale Purse Business

Due to the recent popularity of wholesale, and the easy access of the Internet, owning a designer handbag business these days is common. Because of the great prices you can get by purchasing brand name bags from wholesale suppliers, making money buying bags at wholesale prices enables online retailers to pocket a nice profit.

However, once you understand how the retail business works, you need to drive traffic to your online shop. There are tons of way you can market your designer handbag business to increase sales.

Auction Websites

Online auction sites, like eBay and Craigslist, are great avenues for online retailers as they already have a built it clientele. They have a popular website already set up so that all you need to do upload some photos and project descriptions and the auction site does all the work for you. Another great aspect of an auction site is that you can start the bidding at the lowest price you are willing to accept and occasionally a bidding war may erupt causing you to make more profit on an item than you expected. Make certain you are selling the real deal as bad feedback while discourage customers from buying from your shop.

Host a Party

A great way to get the word out about your new designer handbag business is to host a designer handbag party. Get together as many of your friends as you feel comfortable with and introduce them to what you do. Make a real party out of it my serving food and drinks, play fashion games, hold a drawing, or even have your own fashion show. You will want your friends to be able to see, feel and touch the merchandise so make certain to have a few sample products on hand. Offer free perks or product for those friends willing to host a designer purse party for their friends as well. This is expanding your customer base through word of mouth.

Open House

Set up shop in a room in your home and host and open house in the neighborhood so that potential clients can stop in. This way they get to meet you, hear more about your company, and see or purchase the products first hand. Have business cards ready to hand out with your website address on them as not all shoppers will be prepared to buy right away. Offer some refreshments and good conversation and they might not only buy some of your bags, but may also tell their friends and families about you. Post signs around the neighborhood announcing the open house. Plan to do one every few months to encourage current clients to see your new products or new clients to check you out.

Keep being creative and coming up with new ideas to get yourself out there. Conduct local businesses to see if you can set up a mini-shop during lunch, book a booth at a few craft fairs, get into social marketing websites like Facebook and Twitter, and perhaps create an online blog about what you do. The more you can pull off, the more attention you will receive and that is, ultimately, the way to build a successful business.

70% Discounts On All Wholesale Designer Handbags
It is advisable to buy these fashionable, designer bags from legitimate and experienced drop shippers like Salehoo. Buyers will buy their bags based on their usability and distinctiveness. They need to know where they can use these bags. Get Salehoo Wholesale Directory (Platinum Edition) Limited Versions of Salehoo Wholesaler Directory.

Wholesale Designer Handbag Suppliers

The first step in getting into the business of designer handbags is to set up a budget. Decide how much you want to spend on purchasing the handbag and how much you could sell it for in order to make it a profitable business. Once you've established a budget, the most important step is finding a trustworthy and reliable wholesale designer handbag supplier.

What is a supplier and how do I find one? This is probably your next thought. A wholesale designer handbag supplier is the middle person between you and your customer, providing you with quality designer handbags. Designer handbag suppliers are not hard to find. They can be found online through purse clubs, online auction sites or search engines. Or suppliers can be found locally at places like trade shows or flea markets. However, not everyone supplier that you find is reliable. Advice from the experts is to research as many suppliers as possible before making a decision. Don't just choose the first one you come in contact with because that supplier might not be a legitimate one.


When looking for a supplier you want to make sure they are trustworthy, can offer you quality designer handbags and affordable prices, and have a reliable reputation. Ultimately the supplier you choose determines the type of customers you will have and the success of your designer handbag business.

Want to find out more information about designer handbags? Visit to locate suppliers, wholesalers, or liquidators for any authentic designer handbag. Become a club member and gain all the tools you need to start your own designer handbag business, or Purse Pary Business.

Wholesale Designer Handbags - A Fashion and Business Trend

Designer handbags seem to have this unwritten requirement for physical hugeness for them to be fashionably huge as well. These days, the in thing are those bags where you could practically put everything you normally find in your dresser such as your makeup, your jewelry, your cellphones and their chargers, to name a few. Whether it's increased usability or merely the fashion flash of huge designer bags, this trend is definitely in full swing.

Some of the more particularly celebrated names during this period in fashion handbag history are the classics such as Louis Vuitton and Coco Chanel who, among others, have just resurrected handbags that are created for function. Wiped out are those little cutesy thingies where nothing seems to fit except the owner's fingers. Now, whether you're a career woman rushing off to a corporate presentation or a housewife picking up some quick groceries at the convenience store, huge bags make you in step with style.

As usual, the variety is something to keep getting excited about. Colors come in the standards blacks and grays and whites without shunning the bolder and sunnier hues that are always great for daytime. From Louis Vuitton's Speedy 35 to Chanel's comebacking quilted 2.55, everything is a perfect combination of style and usability. With a lot of room to use, the wearer is afforded that convenience of having everything she needs in one handbag while still looking fab!

If you want an instant collection of these designer treasures, you can have them as wholesale discount handbags, purses and even jewelry. Big or small, there's nothing you won't find wholesale. But when it comes to the business side of it, there's only big things waiting. When you buy wholesale, you buy cheap which then leaves you a lot of room to make profit out of each designer bag or item you sell. Just put up a website and you've got your own business. Think of how many girls or women just like you would like to have those very designer handbags you're probably considering buying right now.

A wholesale handbag supplier is a few clicks away from this page and if you want nothing less than authentic handbags wholesale, whether for personal or business use, waste no time and start connecting now.

How to Find Cheap and Quality Replica Designer Handbag and Purses

Many of us would like to carry around glamorous designer handbags and purses to look sophisticated and stylish. These items nowadays serves not only its practical function, but also are used as a status symbol or for emphasizing the user's identity. Their high prices might be beyond our budget, as designer handbags cost beyond $1000. Besides, a major disadvantage of designer handbags and purses is that they become outdated soon. So replicas of these items are more viable than the original one. Women of moderate income can therefore own several bags at the cost of an original. As depending on the trend, they can get latest bags.

To cater to such a target segment there are some companies manufacturing replicas of designer handbags and purses. Many of these companies sell their products both in show rooms and shops, as well as in online stores. So it is not hard to find locations selling such bags.

Approach Required for Locating These Replica Designer Items

First thing you must do is find out information about the various replicas or knock-off designer handbags and purses. You can learn about the current trends and different products available from the various gossip and fashion magazines. Find out the details of the original designer bag or purse, whose replica you want to buy. If you are buying from showrooms or shops, you can examine the item carefully before purchasing and look over the details as well.

To get information about the stores and showrooms selling designer bags and purses, search the Yellow Pages. If you prefer to buy online, there are several online stores selling these items. Search engines will give you links to the numerous online stores.

You must not buy your handbag or purse from the first shop. Instead you must shop around to search for bargain prices that are within your price range. If the replica items must be of good quality and high-grade material and are hand-stitched, they might cost around $200-$500. Though price is important, it is also necessary to look for quality. So while purchasing, it is necessary to ensure that you do it from a reputable store, whether it is an online store or otherwise.

Another option is to search for replica handbags and purses in auction sites like Amazon and eBay. From wherever you purchase the items, take care to ensure that you are buying replicas and not fake designer handbags and purses. Replicas are lawful items, since they are not sold as authentic items and are a little different from the original ones. On the other hand, fake handbags, as well as purses are illegal and are exact copies of designer items, even together with their logos.

Many of the stores offer shipping facility. You can place your order and get them send to your doorstep in top condition, without any aggravation. Before purchasing, check out the displayed disclaimer statement like "inspired by" or are in a "particular designer style" and are not making false claims or are designer copies, which is illegal.

BeuBag Offers Wholesale Replica HandBags, leather replica designer handbags, Discount Replica Handbags, Original Replica Handbags Wholesale. We specialize in wholesale of replica Gucci bags, replica Fendi bags, replica Louis Vuitton bags and many more brands.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wholesale Designer Handbag Power!

It's girl belief that a girl's handbag is a reflection of its wearer. It is said that by the handbag one uses, her personality shines through. The choices of color, shape, texture and brand are some of the parameters of defining specific styles that women may sport. And when it comes to style, handbags are, of course, major.

Designer handbags, when bought from those fancy and glamorous designer shops, would cost anyone a fortune. In this day and age when everything seems to be rising but our income, these designer bags are simply way out of our league. Unless we're filthy rich, we could never really truly afford these bags without having to sacrifice some of the more essential expenses we need to make. However, those days of giving up our dreams for these fashion accessories are finally over. These days, we can get exactly the same quality and look, from Coach to Balenciaga, at prices that we'll only love.That's right. With wholesale designer handbags, you can have your very own collection of those famous names right in your own closet. And they don't have to cost you your whole house because these items are so affordable you wouldn't believe they're even real. But, of course, they are.

Many girls have been taking advantage of this latest development in fashion accessories and everyone couldn't be thankful enough. If you've always dreamed of owning a Vuitton collection but knew you could never afford even a single piece, stop dreaming. Now, that is very possible with wholesale designer handbags.If you're wondering where to get these heaven-sent thingies, you'll simply need to connect to the Internet and begin searching for wholesale designer handbags. You'll be amazed at the very large number of online dealers turning up on your search results.

Now, it's all up to you to make your choice as to which of these dealers to buy from. Because there are many, it would certainly be a good idea to look into customer reviews or blogs where you could find a good idea how a particular dealer would probably satisfy you as a customer. For example, if there have been complaints about an online store's goods, you can obviously take a cue from there. Naturally, you need to find a store with good reviews because that's the only way you can gauge what would probably happen when it's your turn to buy those bags from them.

Check out reviews to know where the best ones are if you're looking to buy wholesale handbags and other accessories including fashion purses wholesale, canvas bags, evening bags and more!

Glam and Profits With Wholesale Designer Handbags

Of course, it's true. You can wear glam for a much cheaper price these days. But it doesn't have to mean quality diminished. You can buy designer handbags without having to blow off your budget just like that. These days, everything can be as simple as getting online, finding yourself a wholesaler with nice reviews and choosing among those rocking designer bags as though they weren't a thing of the rich not too long ago. The nice twist is you can grow your own collection and, at the same time, your own business! That's what you get for buying wholesale.

Whether you're buying those bags for personal or business use or both, it will be a very good idea to familiarize yourself with how authentic designer bags actually look like. Pay attention to seemingly trivial details which always have the uncanny ability to tell a million stories about the bag. Zippers, tassels and other accessories are often the easiest way to tell genuine from fake, so make sure you know how to spot a good buy before actually making that purchase. The way logos are made is also very crucial when it comes to good designer bags. In other words, know what to look for and you'll always have a nice dose of designer glory, whether on yourself or that retail shop you're planning to put up.

Now go out and look around for wholesalers you could consider for your first batch of purchases. The best move around this part is comparing what the different stores have and deciding which one gives you the best deal. Aside from bags, you can, of course, buy other designer items such as fashion purses wholesale, designer sunglasses and other fashion accessories. These can make your retail line more attractive to your own customers. Of course, you have to ensure quality when offering them your stocks.

These days, you don't even need a physical location to conduct business. You can simply put up a site or even just a blog from where you can display and accept order for your stocks. In fact, online designer shops are quite the trend these days because it helps for online merchants to be able to offer their customers great discounts if they didn't have to pay for operational costs that traditional stores necessitate. Hence, with just a well-established presence on the Internet and good designer items, you can make money while fattening your own designer collection.

Inspired handbag wholesale dealers online and off will usually have piles of stocks from which you could choose, ranging from wholesale evening bags to fashion jewelry. It will take a lot of patience finding the best deals and, of course, good know-how about what make good finds before you can actually watch your own retail designer business taking off.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Purses and Handbags - Different Yet the Same

I was at the shopping mart a couple of days ago and was looking through the purses and the wholesale handbags section and looking at all those lovely bags, a thought suddenly shot through my mind: Is there really a difference between purses and handbags -- because they all look the same to me. Well, according to the ever reliable dictionary a purse (p?rs) is defined as a woman's small bag or pouch used for carrying money, keys, it could also be a wallet whereas a handbag (h nd b g ) is described to be a piece of small hand luggage. So basing on that they're pretty much considering that both bags are said to be small.

But, personally and in retrospect, I could say that there really is a difference between the two. Basing on my observation and during casual conversations with friends, I find purses the smallest amongst the bag family, almost like a pouch, which I often use for keeping my really tiny stuff like coins, lipstick, make-up, or ponytails. As for handbags, every time I hear the word I picture out elongated or rectangular bags which are more on the elegant side and are often filled with studs and glitters that you can use on night-outs and dates or any other special occasions.

Moving on, in whichever way you might want to put it, purses and handbags were made for the same purpose - they were fashionably designed to be typically used by women to hold items such as wallet, keys, tissues, makeup, a hairbrush, cellular device or personal digital assistant, feminine products, or other items. And I should say that they are the most convenient and stylish bag that a woman could carry with her, by this I mean that nobody could ever go wrong with either a purse or a wholesale handbags!

How To Get Designer Handbags At Wholesale Prices

Are you trying to break into the designer purse business? Designer handbags are always big sellers because of their higher quality and the fact that they lend the wearer a certain aura of status. If you've checked prices on popular auction sites such as Ebay, you'll see that higher end designer purses can sometimes sell for small fortunes with multiple competing bidders. This makes the designer purse business seem like a certain path to wealth. Right?

Unfortunately, finding authentic designer purses at true wholesale prices for resale purposes can be a daunting task. Many of the so called "wholesalers" of designer purses on the internet are actually marketing their handbags at small discounts off of retail. This makes it quite difficult to realize a good return with so small a profit margin. To make matters even more frustrating, some companies offering good wholesale prices are actually selling replicas. To be successful, you need authentic designer handbags at wholesale prices. What's the solution?

Some people turn to lists of wholesale suppliers of designer purses that are widely sold on the internet. While some of these lists may have legitimate sources, it's unlikely the person selling the list is going to give away their very best suppliers. To be successful, you have to know how to find wholesalers on your own or use a reputable list.

A legitimate wholesaler of designer purses will offer you a discount of between fifty and eight percent off the standard retail price. If you're being offered purses at prices higher than this by a supplier, you're probably not getting true wholesale prices and are going to have problems competing with other businesses who buy their handbags wholesale. Don't fall victim to this just because you're in a hurry to start a designer purse business. You want to start your business off with merchandise you can resell for a profit.

Once you have your sources for designer purses at wholesale prices, you'll need to plan how to best reach potential buyers. Will you sell primarily online through a website or online auctions? A popular option these days is to sell purses through home parties. You can also market your bags to local offices in your area that employ women who don't have the time to leave the office to shop. Doing this can be as simple as speaking with the office manner and ask if you can set up a table during lunch to sell. You can also sell through nonprofit groups and give them a portion of the profits to fund their programs. The possibilities for making money selling designer purses are virtually endless. Start your business off with a good marketing plan and legitimate wholesale sources and you can write your own ticket for success.

Kristie Leong M.D. can show you how to find legitimate sources for authentic designer purses you can sell on Ebay. For more information, go to

Wholesale Designer Handbags

If you have an eye for detail, you can save a lot of money while buying wholesale designer handbags for resale. At an auction, it is imperative to read the descriptions carefully, in order to bid appropriately. If you are planning to resell the handbags, it is also important to know if you are bidding on authentic or imitation ones. This information would keep you from being taken advantage of and would also aid you to appropriately price the handbags once you put them up for sale.

A good source for wholesale designer handbags is eBay. While the selection of handbags is not always reliable, it is worth checking out their wholesale category for price bargains. Once there, click onto ""women's accessories"" and type in the key words "handbags" or "purses" to search for wholesale designer handbags.

If you are looking for wholesale high-end designer handbags like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Versace, Burberry, Fendi, and Christian Dior, The Wholesale Clothing Registry is a good wholesale suppliers' directory. Each wholesaler is listed with an accurate business name, contact details, web address, contact name, and a complete description of the types of products that they offer. also offers high-end handbags from Louis Vuitton, Chloe, Mulberry, Hermes, and Fendi, although the website is not affiliated with any of the designers mentioned.

NY Wholesale Handbags ( carries a large line of handbags directly from the manufacturer and sells at low prices. They specialize in jelly, cigar box, leather, pop art, rhinestone, casual, and beaded handbags. Italy Wholesale Leather Handbags ( manufactures wholesale, handmade-leather handbags with exclusive designs. The products are priced according to the workmanship invested in each item, as well as the time involved by the specialized handicraftsmen.

Designer Handbags provides detailed information on Designer Handbags, Wholesale Designer Handbags, Discount Designer Handbags, Designer Inspired Handbags and more. Designer Handbags is affiliated with Designer Handbag.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wholesale Handbags and Purses

Wholesale handbags and wholesale purses are available in high quality and latest designs at most lucrative prices. There are huge ranges of wholesale handbags and wholesale purses which are sold to most retailers, wholesale marketers, industrialists, institutions, and business professionals. Most of the companies dealing in wholesale handbags and wholesale purses ensure that they are able to provide outstanding customer services to their potential clients. Most of these companies offer information of the latest arrivals in their product range and printed brochures and catalogues. There are many of the wholesalers who provide comprehensive and latest updates of catalogue on their online websites. Often wholesale distributors acquire bulk stock of these wholesale handbags and wholesale purses straight from manufacturers at most discounted prices and make substantial profit by selling them to ultimate customers at high prices.

The easiest way to procure wholesale handbags and wholesale purses is to search through various websites of corresponding companies. One can select from wide range of wholesale handbags and wholesale purses and place the order for those products which suits them best. The process of placing orders through online is very simple. It just requires filling up company name, phone number, and address and Tax ID number in the order forms. When the wholesale manufacturing company reviews the request they send an email with a link to their wholesale websites, which entails all the terms and conditions and minimum amount of purchase required for placing each order. While most of the wholesale companies accept internationally recognized credit cards there are some manufacturers which also accept personal and business checks. Moreover, there are several companies which offer cash discounts on their products, while some offers also provide free accessories with purchase of wholesale handbags and wholesale purses. There are even some manufactures who offer free shipping to their prospect clients. These wholesalers ship their products to the billing address which is mentioned in the credit cards to prevent any possibility of risk factors. Most of the wholesalers have their customers from all over the world. The shipping charges vary accordance to country where the products have to be dispatched and it also depends on the weight and size of parcel.

There are several online stores which offer best quality wholesale handbags and wholesale purses in wide variety of sizes and styles. These wholesale hand bags and purses are designed to meet specific requirements of women. Often these are available at low prices as the manufacturers or distributors offer their products at most competitive prices. One can purchase bulk of these wholesale handbags and purses and have them displayed at their retail shops for resale. Apart from having these products available at doorstep, one will have products that are guaranteed of best quality. These wholesale handbags and wholesale purses are available in genuine leather, hides skin, velvet and other durable and attractive materials. These handbags and purses come with back and front open pockets, exterior and interior zipped pockets, durable and fancy shoulder straps, magnetic closures and other embellishments, such as beading and embroideries.

Hi, this is Tatyana A., a professional involved with the world of wholesale fashion handbags, jewelry and clothing. The ever changing trend in the world of wholesale handbags, ushers in innovative designs and looks. My association with has fascinated me with the designs of wholesale fashion jewelry, clothes and handbags trends, giving me the opportunity to have an in depth knowledge about them. I wish to share the knowledge with the rest of you so that you get the best in the cheapest price.

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Fuzzy Nation Chinese Crested Dog Handbag-Bags with a Bite Puppy Purse Edition

Fuzzy Nation Chinese Crested Dog Handbag-Bags with a Bite Puppy Purse EditionForget the catwalk, it's the dogwalk that's hot, as Fuzzy Nation's range of 'pooch handbags' and doggie-inspired accessories are set to put the 'Wow!' in any girl's wardrobe. Canine character bags have been spotted amongst the designer accessories being shown at Milan Fashion Week and Fuzzy Nation's collection of suitably cute yet chic pooches are sure to delight many a fashionista this year. There are over 30 breeds in our line, including Pugs, Boston Terriers, Chihuahuas, Poodles, Bulldogs and Dachshunds to choose from. Each Fuzzy Nation 'pooch pouch' boasts a unique and luxurious 'coat' depicting either vintage green tweeds, warm genteel paisleys or neon plaids resulting in posh style. Sporting a stylish strap the perfect length for over the shoulder or for use as a clutch, these chic accessories are truly couture cuties with space inside to hold their fashionista owner's belongings. Any fashion forward girl looking for a trendy handbag like no other will love Fuzzy Nation's sophisticated, art inspired prints; as they're the perfect sassy accessory for anyone willing to have a little fun with fashion. You'll definitely get the attention you love everywhere you go toting such a fetching little canine purse.

Price: $45.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Wholesale directory for designer handbags

Sources for finding Actual Wholesalers of Authentic Designer Handbags. Brands including Prada, Fendi, Dior, Burberry, Chanel...and more. This is your exclusive connection to legitimate Suppliers that will Snowball your eBay® auction income!

Check it out!

Wholesale Designer Handbags - How to Look For Cheap Wholesale Handbags

In the fashion trend today, handbags and pouches have become a requisite inevitability of everyone's life. And when you are in business, it is necessary to know about the wholesale bags characterize by its quality , the prices and from places where to buy them. Many handbag wholesalers also offer, wholesale purses, designers line and more, these are of very competitive prices. What more? Numerous websites are parked on line for orders. Handbags are conventional devices that have by no means fallen out of favor. And these handbags are sophisticated and precious of each date or time of year. Bags are most wanted presently, it is referred to as the "It Bag".

"Must-Have Bag" is almost modern in the latest wholesale fashion handbags with a popular style designer.

When you have decided to have any shopping of wholesale bags, you must take care of the quality in every product line. As we all know there are a lot of existing websites offering wholesale bags at compatible prices, but we need to be keen over these websites. In the process of securing that the website is not a fraudulent company which offers you strange, outdated list and order form. But there are also advantages in online shopping when doing wholesale business, any sort of wholesale bags, handbags, and designer inspired handbags go by many stages before reaching the consumers. It means it is of good quality.

In traditional business process, first stage is manufacturer supply to distributors then to the retailer and the last stage are for their consumers who will buy the item. With this lengthy procedure the prices for each item, prices increases radically. But when you do the online shopping the process will be shorten, this is because wholesalers will have direct contact of the manufacturers. Most of these websites offers discounts too.

It is a must knowing the details when you decide doing the business of wholesale bags, as well as checking the websites, its trends, its new designs available, the range of prices at which it is available. Nowadays, handbags, purses are considered as fashion symbols. And trendy individuals would need specific kind of wholesale bags for particular occasion. If people are going on tour they need a high quality bag that comes in handy to use. In the term of gender needs, unlike men, women are more fashionable and have more line of choices in the market. So I suggest that you should have constant updates that will help you to have a good deal of quality products at reasonable cost.

As Seen on BBC News, FORBES and CNN Money Wholesale Dropshippers is the Only Turnkey system that eBay Powesellers use! See how you can get products at real wholesale prices, Guaranteed to be lower than the prices on Ebay! Get the Platinum Edition of the Wholesale Dropshipping List and Directory, at 75% Discount!

Shanie S. Geralds gave up her full time job a year ago and has since been running a very successful ebay business online. Find out how she manages to move over $70,000 in sales monthly, with profits being as high as 40%. Learn how she leverages the power of turnkey wholesale dropshippers, and how she can manage an online business without having to learn HTML See: Dropshipper Wholesale (Platinum Edition) and Turnkey Wholesale Dropshipper.

The Decorated Bag: Creating Designer Handbags, Purses, and Totes Using Embellishments

The Decorated Bag: Creating Designer Handbags, Purses, and Totes Using Embellishments
The Decorated Bag is a fun, stylish collection of 25 â??must-haveâ? bags inspired by the look of designer originals. Shown in full-page color photographs, purses, envelopes, totes, and shoulder bags are accompanied by simple, step-by-step directions. Most of the designs are created by embellishing inexpensive store-bought bags, but patterns for sewing four popular styles are also included. From a velvet purse with a faux leopard lining and shimmering rhinestones to a casual knitted tote decorated with vintage buttons, The Decorated Bag presents an array of stylish bags for every occasion.

Price: $19.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Authentic Gucci Designer Handbag Suppliers - Selling Designer Handbags is Big Business!

Celebrity handbags and purses are quickly becoming very popular, and finding authentic Gucci designer handbag suppliers takes a little effort. But the payoff here is huge. The manufacturers of these high quality trend handbags use quality faux leather and in some instances real leather in their designs. They use quality hardware and pay attention to details like stitching which means their handbags aren't only a bargain, they look like they cost much more than they actually do. The demand for Gucci handbags is so high that finding authentic Gucci handbag suppliers can be daunting because of all the choices online!

Unfortunately, the present handbag market is filled with designer replica handbags, including Gucci items. You need a supplier who has a proven record of quality. Finding authentic Gucci designer handbag suppliers online used to be a tedious project. The market is huge but here's some things you need to make sure of when researching a potential supplier. Their directory needs to be up-to-date with free lifetime updates on the list. Probably the most important fact when deciding on a source is the warranty. The should offer you a Risk-Free, 100%, Money-Back Guarantee. That way there's absolutely NO RISK on your part. You need to feel certain that your not getting scammed.

Gucci especially has many qualities that make it easy to distinguish between the read deal and the replica. An authentic Gucci designer handbag supplier will be aware that Gucci has a wide range of versatile designs, shapes, sizes, and styles. High quality genuine Gucci handbags often highlight the signature gold theme or double G's in their design in addition to details, like buckles, tassels, and colors. Authentic wholesale designer handbag suppliers sell authentic designer handbags! Simple as that!

Gucci handbag suppliers will provide you with their company's complete contact information: address, telephone number (you should always be able to speak with someone before placing your order), e-mail, etc.. Their place of business should not be a secret! If a company claims to be a legitimate designer handbag wholesaler and they cannot meet the aforementioned guidelines, it is usually in your best interest to run the other way! More than likely, they are hiding something from you. Try this trusted source for authentic designer handbags,

Authentic Pigment 14 oz. Pigment-Dyed Raw-Edge Messenger Bag. 1908

Authentic Pigment 14 oz. Pigment-Dyed Raw-Edge Messenger Bag. 1908100% cotton canvas; enzyme-washed; adjustable cotton webbing shoulder strap with antique brass slider and D-ring; large flap with magnetic snap; exterior and interior zippered pockets; side pockets; 16"W x 11 1/2"H x 4 3/4"D.


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JP Lizzy Mocha Mint Classic Tote Set

JP Lizzy Mocha Mint Classic Tote SetChange your priorities - maintain your style. This bag is built for function with just the right amount of pockets and space. Finally, a bag that is large enough to take on your sunny outings but still small enough to fit on your shoulder without bogging you down. Built with a large opening to stuff everything you'll need for the pool or park, the Leisure Tote includes a big zippered pouch with insulation for your cold drinks on warm summer days. At last, you can tote all of your outing gear and still have your hands free and ready for holding. Features include quilted micro fiber easy-clean wipeable fabric, a large exterior zippered pocket, an interior insulated zippered pocket, and quick zipper closure. Dimensions: 14"h x 23"w x 6"d FROM THE MANUFACTURER: All moms go through changes and challenges. A bag that helps us hang on to our fashion sense, while still remaining functional for our baby-toting needs, can make all the difference. As women, we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders while still trying to look chic and feel organized. Sure our priorities shift in life, but that doesn't mean we have to give up style and color. JP Lizzy bags are fun yet functional. Fashionable yet practical. And most importantly, they're designed with your ever-changing needs in mind. We hope that our bags will take you through all the stages of your life, from trendsetting fashionista with a sassy purse, to supermom with a pretty diaper bag, to career woman with a messenger bag perfect for the boardroom.

Price: $98.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Beware of Designer Handbags Wholesale List Fraud - How to Find Sources For Authentic Bags and Purses

There are many design handbag suppliers frauds taking place online, but beware of wholesale list scam especially now. You can either invest a lot of time and money into years of research, like many have done, or you can save the trial and error by following some simple guidelines to avoid falling prey to this designer handbag scam. Follow these simple steps to avoid the scam! It's easy to see just by going to Google and typing design handbags wholesale, that you've got your work laid out for you if your going to search through hundreds of thousands of potential wholesalers.

Remember the old adage...if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. For those of you who have purchased or are thinking about purchasing those "wholesale lists" that are being sold on eBay and other websites, let me save you some hard earned money...beware of designer handbags wholesale list scam....these lists are a total SCAM! These "wholesale lists" usually sell for anywhere from $2.50 to $7.99.

Think about it: why would people give out their closely-guarded wholesale handbag sources for seven bucks?

The ANSWER: They haven't put any EFFORT into the wholesale list; it's full of GARBAGE! They most likely went to a search engine like Google, typed the word "wholesale handbags" in the search box, threw the first 20 results on a piece of paper and called it a wholesale list. Save yourself the seven bucks and a ton of aggravation and beware of designer handbags wholesale list scam by being informed!

Lets be honest here, if you think that you are going to find designer handbags at wholesale that you can buy without having to purchase a minimum quantity (with the exception of drop-shippers), I am sorry to say but such a wholesaler simply does not exist. There is no such thing as a designer handbag wholesaler who will let you buy one piece at a time for personal use. Think about it for a minute...why then would there be Gucci boutiques if people could buy Gucci handbags, one piece at a time, at wholesale prices? It just doesn't make sense, and it's naive to think that such a list exists.

When looking for a supplier of designer handbags beware of designer handbags scam. Look for a reputable wholesale list directory. The should offer you a Risk-Free, 100%, Money-Back Guarantee. That way there's absolutely NO RISK on your part. Also, make sure they have a telephone number to speak to them directly, a toll free number is ideal. They should be rated with the Better Business Bureau too!

Great Authentic Source for Designer Handbag Suppliers

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Purse

The PurseFor souls to whom effusiveness is easy there is a delicious hour that falls when it is not yet night, but is no longer day; the twilight gleam throws softened lights or tricksy reflections on every object, and favors a dreamy mood which vaguely weds itself to the play of light and shade. The silence which generally prevails at that time makes it particularly dear to artists, who grow contemplative, stand a few paces back from the pictures on which they can no longer work, and pass judgement on them, rapt by the subject whose most recondite meaning then flashes on the inner eye of genius.

Price: $3.55

Click here to buy from Amazon

C4L & WS Zen Velvet Black of CHIBI TESAGE Wallet, NINTENDO DS Carry Case Cases, Style 4, Biz Card Holders

C4L & WS Zen Velvet Black of CHIBI TESAGE Wallet, NINTENDO DS Carry Case Cases, Style 4, Biz Card HoldersVery useful Purse!

Size: 8 1/2" x 4" ( 21.6 x 10.28 cm )

Zip Top to easy access to tiny things inside. Using YKK Zipper, best quality zipper

You can use for bills, small change, check book, pens, lipstick, contact lenses case, eye drop, pill case, tea bags, business cards, credit cards and anything small things!
Organize your bag!!

Split Ring for Keys, charm and WriStrap, NeckStrap and Hip Strap.

made in New York, USA


Click here to buy from Amazon

Fuzzy Nation Houndstooth Dachshund Dog Handbag Special Limited Edition

Fuzzy Nation Houndstooth Dachshund Dog Handbag Special Limited EditionForget the catwalk, it's the dogwalk that's hot, as Fuzzy Nation's range of 'pooch handbags' and doggie-inspired accessories are set to put the 'Wow!' in any girl's wardrobe. Canine character bags have been spotted amongst the designer accessories being shown at Milan Fashion Week and Fuzzy Nation's collection of suitably cute yet chic pooches are sure to delight many a fashionista this year. There are over 30 breeds in our line, including Pugs, Boston Terriers, Chihuahuas, Poodles, Bulldogs and Dachshunds to choose from. Each Fuzzy Nation 'pooch pouch' boasts a unique and luxurious 'coat' depicting either vintage green tweeds, warm genteel paisleys or neon plaids resulting in posh style. Sporting a stylish strap the perfect length for over the shoulder or for use as a clutch, these chic accessories are truly couture cuties with space inside to hold their fashionista owner's belongings. Any fashion forward girl looking for a trendy handbag like no other will love Fuzzy Nation's sophisticated, art inspired prints; as they're the perfect sassy accessory for anyone willing to have a little fun with fashion. You'll definitely get the attention you love everywhere you go toting such a fetching little canine purse.

Price: $69.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Fun With Wholesale Designer Handbags and Jewelry

It seems like everything in the world of fashion is fast evolving into all new things. Designer handbags, purses, and even fashion jewelry are taking forms they were never known as before and they're looking so good they've enjoyed more than a warm welcome. More and more novel ideas are taking shape and while the traditional gold and silver pieces are still around, anything and everything is now possible, from wood to stones, terracotta, resins, even glass and practically everything else that could easily become vogue.

Way before designer handbags, jewelry has been women's first love and they've continued to be such wonderful ways to spruce up her every getup. Indeed, any design from any inspiration could be created and transformed into a fashion treasure that's appreciated beyond gender and age. The classic styles are still hot, but hotter are those new innovations that are anchored on the uniqueness of chic art. Back then, fashion jewelry tended to be reserved and quite limited in their variety. Today, you see designer jewelry in many colors from drab to fab and the combinations are fantastic!

Now, we're no longer confined to anything metal. Jewelry designers have been experimenting with different directions in their creations and they've been mostly successful. From glass to beads to silver foil and practically anything that could be converted into something beautiful make up today's trend. And, if anything, this is a good sign that the more essential things about man have been keeping pace with his technological superiority.

The advent of wholesale jewelry and handbags has even made things better for the fact that they've allowed average-income ladies to afford them and conveniently. Like designer bags, there was also a time when only the rich could dare spend on these accessories which were then as relatively expensive as their handbag counterparts. Now, anyone can get absolutely great fashion jewelry and in bulk. That means cost savings and a perfect opportunity for making money.

Yes, while you can have those gems to yourselves, you just might find it a worthy venture to start selling them because you know how many girls out there would die to get those accessories - many! You can just put up a website, display your items there and sell from there. You don't even have to put up a physical shop because that has probably gotten to be an impractical alternative compared to simply getting online where things do happen fast and cheap as how everyone wants it.

And then you can add in other items that go with the package - a wholesale fashion handbag collection and wholesale knockoff purses. If you can, make your site a sort of one-stop online fashion hub. Shoppers love variety and will love having it all in one sitting!


WOMEN'S HARD CASE FLAT OPERA WALLET CHECKBOOK HOLDER BY DESIGNSKThis stylish and trendy wallet is perfect for all occasions. Use it for casual outings or fancy events. Easily organizes and carries everything from cash to a checkbook. It can be used without a purse or can be put in a purse. A multi-purpose wallet that fits everything all-in-one!!


Click here to buy from Amazon

C4L & WS HANABI Leaf of CHIBI TESAGE Wallet, NINTENDO DS Carry Case Cases, Style 4, Biz Card Holders

C4L & WS HANABI Leaf of CHIBI TESAGE Wallet, NINTENDO DS Carry Case Cases, Style 4, Biz Card HoldersVery useful Purse!

Size: 8 1/2" x 4" ( 21.6 x 10.28 cm )

Zip Top to easy access to tiny things inside. Using YKK Zipper, best quality zipper

You can use for bills, small change, check book, pens, lipstick, contact lenses case, eye drop, pill case, tea bags, business cards, credit cards and anything small things!
Organize your bag!!

Split Ring for Keys, charm and WriStrap, NeckStrap and Hip Strap.

made in New York, USA


Click here to buy from Amazon

Mocha Mint Tote Set and Diaper Bag

Mocha Mint Tote Set and Diaper BagChange your priorities - maintain your style. This incognito diaper bag is built for function with just the right amount of pockets and space. The Classic Tote Set is the quintessential JP Lizzy bag, sized perfectly for all your gear. The Classic Tote comes with coordinating accessories, including a changing pad, cosmetic bag and wristlet bag to keep you organized and chic no matter what kind of day lies ahead. Features include quilted micro fiber easy-clean wipeable fabric, zipper closure, coordinating changing pad, cosmetic bag and coin purse, a large zippered interior pocket, two open interior pockets perfect for zippi cups or to keep your drink nice and cool, two adjustable interior bottle pockets, two exterior side pockets, and metal feet on base. Dimensions: 12"h x 14"w x 6"d FROM THE MANUFACTURER: All moms go through changes and challenges. A bag that helps us hang on to our fashion sense, while still remaining functional for our baby-toting needs, can make all the difference. As women, we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders while still trying to look chic and feel organized. Sure our priorities shift in life, but that doesn't mean we have to give up style and color. JP Lizzy bags are fun yet functional. Fashionable yet practical. And most importantly, they're designed with your ever-changing needs in mind. We hope that our bags will take you through all the stages of your life, from trendsetting fashionista with a sassy purse, to supermom with a pretty diaper bag, to career woman with a messenger bag perfect for the boardroom.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Designer Handbags - Authentic Or Counterfeit? - Designer Purses Worthy of Guarantee

Don't waste your hard earned money on a fake counterfeit designer handbag or purse! That hefty investment you make $200-$800 in a fake designer handbag or purse can end up being worthless. If you are going to buy a new purse, invest in something of value, not cheap imitations. ALWAYS insist on a money back guarantee!

Why in the world would anyone want to buy a fake designer handbag or poor quality? I just can't comprehend spending good money purchasing a fake designer purse. It doesn't even begin to make sense to me, even if the purse looks like the real thing. When you know it's not authentic - why bother?

Above all else, be aware that buying a counterfeit item is illegal, period.

Counterfeit designer merchandise has a sub-culture all its own. I'm not sure if people enjoy the fact they are getting something resembling the real thing at lower cost, or if they just don't understand the quality, durability and value of authentic designer handbags in the first place.

I find humor in it now, but pre-internet, the counterfeit handbag purchasing process seemed mysterious and intriguing. It felt as though you were somehow privileged to know how to buy these uncommon goods. Pre-internet, the only way to locate a fake bag was through word of mouth. Wholesalers of counterfeit bags still make sales by appointment only. There are signs throughout the store reminding you "ALL SALES FINAL."

It involved a sort of cloak and dagger approach when walking into wholesale stores, asking to talk to the manager and introducing yourself as a friend of a friend. Introductions were all made through word of mouth referrals. There's no advertising at all. Unlike online purchases, where everyone boldly claims their goods are authentic.

The counterfeit shopping experience is intriguing. You can almost feel the illicit connection made with the handbag underground. All you want is a new purse, a designer copycat, something that looks like the real thing without the hefty price tag. The irony in all of this is the reality of the experience. They are NOT inexpensive.

In reality, you pay a lot of money for junk. Maybe the leather is good, and maybe it is not. How would you know? Have you seen the real thing to compare? If you did, you certainly wouldn't be investing in a fake after handling the real thing! Solid metal hardware, rich sumptuous leather and finely crafted details trump the plastic & vinyl attachments, poorly stitched linings and knock-off logo's cheaply glued to counterfeit designer purses and handbags.

We know the best designer handbags and leather goods are made in Italy and France. No need to drop names here, we all know the top sellers. Fakes might be made in Italy or France, and they may not. You never know. Most of the people you are dealing with are hustling you to make a big profit on something of little worth and definitely of no real value.

The evolution of designer handbags has made its mark world wide. Every woman with fashion sense wants to carry a new, hot, high-end designer handbag, and the price is not cheap. On an average, the retail boutique price for a new designer purse starts at about $1000. That's a hefty price to pay to feel good when you leave the house. I know some women who carry bags costing more than their cars! The Hermes handbag collection of some of my clients' totals more than the initial cost of my first home!

The Internet has opened a flood gate of ecommerce sites for handbags. There are more than enough websites selling purses these days. And, the best stores sell authentic designer merchandise, not fakes. The difficulty comes in trying to determine the real from the fake and make the distinction clear.

Here are a few tips for identifying a website selling fake counterfeit designer handbags and purses:

A new store comes online just in time for holiday shopping.
The new website's contact information is missing or obscure.
The new website's registration information ( is "private."
You can't locate the owners.
The same style or design of a bag is available in many colors.
The website sells only three or four designer brands.
The handbags look like items you've seen on many other websites,
Prices are too good to be true less than half of retail.
There are page after page of similar items.
There's one page of authentic-looking bags, but the rest of the website contains the same bag in every color under the sun!
I've seen websites come and go over the past ten years online. First, the sites selling fakes offered Gucci, Fendi and Prada. Then, there were the ones selling strictly Louis Vuitton and Chanel. The Hermes Birkin and Kelly bag are still prolific in the counterfeit world, but they are not as commonly seen online as the other Designers.

The most commonly counterfeited handbags today are: BALENCIAGA, TODS, CELINE, and CHLOE. Plus, the old-time favorites are still hotter than ever in the counterfeit market: GUCCI, LOUIS VUITTON, HERMES, FENDI and PRADA. I recently saw even LAMBERTSON TRUEX smooth calf leather fake bags, too.

With all the choices out there, how can you tell if you are buying a genuine product? Well, in reality you just don't know unless you really know the product well. I am a purse expert, but sometimes I've been fooled, too. Most of the time, I know what I'm doing, and I buy the right thing.

Three rules I use to make a handbag purchases online:

Ask before you buy.
Talk with the owner of the site ONLY!
Obtain a full money-back guarantee for authenticity.
I asked a wholesaler if his bags were guaranteed authentic, and I was told, "Yes, they are gauranteed to be 100% made in Italy." Another wholesaler told me, "Our bags are the best quality." Yes, but are they authentic designer goods? I've also heard, "The man who made this bag worked for the Design House for over 20 years. Of course, it's authentic!" Wrong. If you don't get a straight answer, pass on the purchase.

Please don't blindly believe everything you see and especially not what you are told. I arranged a meeting with a wholesaler at a well-known annual conference. The bags I pre-ordered were authentic items, yet when the order arrived, they were obviously not exactly like those styles shown at the pre-order sale. Be careful. Buy from a website or seller who has been online for a very long time. Over the past ten years selling online, I can honestly say that the best lessons I've learned were from customers who did their homework. Talk to people, share your insights, and please... let's all stamp out fakes online!

About the author.

Anna Miller is the President of, Inc.

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Wholesale Designer Handbag Directory

The Most Comprehensive Directory of Legitimate, Authentic Designer Handbag & Accessory Wholesale Suppliers--Prada, Fendi, Gucci, Coach, & more! Excellent product for those looking for high-fashion wholesalers. High Conversions & Low Refund Rate!

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wholesale Bags and Purses - Commercial and Practical Aspect

This is an era of style and fashion. People love sporting different accessories to draw the attention of the onlooker. And if the accessory has got some utility value then its use becomes a cult. Take the example of handbags and purses. These two similar accessories are popular for both utility values as well as for being a fashion statement. Bags and purses have become an integral accessory to carry along, mainly for women. Men these days, also sport handbags but this trend is limited to the college going students and for some office-going folks.

Handbags may be made of different stuffs like cotton, canvas, leather, plastic, jute, synthetic material etc. You will get purses made of mainly leather, cotton and synthetic material. The huge popularity of handbags and purses can be attributed to accomplished visualizers and the fashion designers. The have launched in the markets, innumerable fashionable handbags, purses and other accessories.

The bulky demand of bags and purses has inspired the manufacturers to deal in wholesale. Wholesale bags and purses are available with all leading stores. Wholesale leather handbags and purses are the most sought after lot. Consumers today are demanding the stuff that is eco-friendly. That is why you may see some wholesale eco-friendly handbags and purses in the stores. Brand crazy crowd, today, wants wholesale designer bags and purses. Handcrafted bags and purses are also in equal demand.

For any commercial as well as informational lead on wholesale bags and purses, please visit India handicraft Store

For any commercial as well as informational lead on retail bags and purses, please visit Crafts In India

Genuine Leather Handbag with Cell Phone Holder & Many Pockets Choice of Colors

Genuine Leather Handbag with Cell Phone Holder & Many Pockets Choice of ColorsThis fine leather handbag will quickly become your favorite bag. It has a zipper organizer on the front that includes a notepad pocket, pen holder, credit card slots and zipper pocket divider. On top of this is a zipper pocket and another flap closure pocket. The main compartment is fully lined and includes a side zipper pocket. On the back is another zipper pocket. And don't forget the convenient built in cell phone holder on the side! The long strap is fully adjustable so you can wear it crossbody or over the shoulder. This is a very well-made, quality leather bag that is not too big, but not too small. Shoulder strap drop length measures 26".

Price: $49.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Wholesale, Dropship Suppliers, Handbags, Electronics, eBay<SUP>®</SUP> Dropship

Over 2,000 wholesale and dropship suppliers. Excellent conversation rate. Free Added bonuses aswell. eBay® dropship suppliers aswell. 50% Commission to affiliates. eBay® Business, Dropship Business, Wholesale Suppliers List

Check it out!

Original Fendi Designer Handbag Source - Authentic Designer Handbag Wholesalers

If you are looking for a source for Fendi bags so you can resell them, the Internet is the perfect place to begin your quest because you can browse at your leisure. The internet offers a multitude of websites when looking for a designer handbag source. However, the trick will be finding an authentic bag supplier. Even though Prada handbags are estimated to be the most imitated fashion accessory, Fendi comes in at a close second. With celebrity royalties, like Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez, it's no surprise that most hot-blooded females long for a Fendi handbag.

Fendi originated in 1925, when a husband and a wife opened a small leather goods and fur shop in Italy. In 1965, Fendi commissions the ingenuity of a young Parisian designer, named Karl Lagerfeld, who designs the double "FF" trademark logo, solidifying it as the symbol of chic on fashion runways. Today, Fendi salons can be found around the world, and a good Fendi designer handbag source includes watches, fragrance, eyewear, ready-to-wear apparel and shoes, but perhaps most popular are Fendi handbags. Ranging from the famous "baguette" bags to the coveted Spy bags, purses average in price from $500 to $2500, with some styles costing as much as $10,000.

Fendi is extremely fashion-conscience releasing new designer handbag lines each and every season, so your buyers are bound to fall in love with one of the many styles of clutches, bucket bags, wallets, jean handbags, gathered handbags, half moon bags, baguettes or evening bags - in classic or trendy designs. Each handbag is designed and manufactured by hand rather than by production laborers. The leather used to create Fendi handbags should be of high quality. Also, the trim should always be make of leather and not plastic. They have created an assorted and complete line of handbags that are elegant and unique.

When looking for a designer handbag source don't be fooled by the worthless wholesale junk lists and e-Books. A designer handbag source will provide you with their company's complete contact information.

Happy Shopping!

Check Out a GREAT Source

Authentic Elliott Lucca El Signature Large Drawstring - BLACK (with GOLDEN HARDWARE) - New

Authentic Elliott Lucca El Signature Large Drawstring - BLACK (with GOLDEN HARDWARE) - NewProduct Features
Material: Pebble Leather
Size: 16" x 12" x 4"
Linear inches: 32"
Weight: 1 lb
Warranty: 30 days against manufacturer's defects

Magnetic snap closure
Two interior slide pockets
One interior zipper pocket
Double handle braided straps with a 9.5 inch drop length
Drawstring accents with tassel detailing
Braided leather detailing
Stud detailing


Click here to buy from Amazon

Wholesale Designer Handbags - Why You Should Be Purchasing Your Bags From Wholesalers & Dropshippers

Handbags are not only an essential part of an individual's wardrobe, but can also be a status symbol as well. Since the handbag is an accessory it is vital that a woman owns several so that she has one for any occasion or outfit. This means that the designer handbag industry will always be in demand.

Even though the recent economy has halted spending, this has not dampened the hunt for designer bags. Now consumers are trying to find the brand name accessories they want at better prices. This is where wholesale and dropshipping companies come into the spotlight. Because this companies purchase in bulk and then sell their wares over the internet this eliminates not only the middle man, but also much of the overhead expenses involved in selling purses through more traditional routes. So while designer handbags are quite costly, many of the costs can be knocked off by purchasing the bags through these wholesale and dropshipping companies.

Designer handbags are also a great investment. These bags cost so much more because their quality is greater than that of an ordinary bag. Top quality materials make these items durable, reliable and able to withstand wear and tear for years to come.

The trick is to be certain that the bags you are buying at discounted prices are authentic. It makes no sense to save all that money on a bag that is not the real deal. A quick way to find discover your bag is fake is that it wears out quickly or is poorly made. Know what to look for so that you can properly inspect the photos online to avoid being ripped off.

Research the wholesale or dropship company to ensure they have a good track record with their customers. Before buying look for services like guarantees, good return policies, accessible customer support, and other online resources. Look them up on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) webpage and do an internet search to see if you can find any online reviews or complaints.

Being smart and doing your research first will keep you from getting scammed. Once you find a company you can trust, then you simply have to scoop up all the best deals as they are offered.

70% Discounts On All Wholesale Designer Handbags. It is advisable to buy these fashionable, designer bags from legitimate and experienced drop shippers like Salehoo. Buyers will buy their bags based on their usability and distinctiveness. They need to know where they can use these bags. Get Salehoo Wholesale Directory (Platinum Edition) Limited Versions of Best Wholesale Bags.

Discover your style: A fashion guide to great fit and perfect wardrobe

50% Commission.This Ebook is a guide for personal style and will help women build a perfect and inexpensive wardrobe or closet. Buying guide for dresses, shoes/sandals, purses, jewellery, watches and other accessories. Its a must read before you shop.

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how to e-book


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Wholesale Designer Handbag - Fendi in Focus

Anybody who's into the designer craze isn't that into it without knowing Fendi. It is, of course, one of the most glamorous names to wear around. Whether that's a handbag over your shoulders or a diamond-studded watch on your wrist, Fendi is one of the most powerful forces in the world of fashion. And it's been that way since time immemorial. Ask you mom and she'd tell you she's had at least one Fendi purse or tote in her life. If she never had one, she probably wanted to.

One thing about these fashion treats these days is they can come in bulk which make them incredibly cheaper. Wholesale designer bag varieties are now available and no longer cost a fortune. Yet wholesale or retail, Fendi always stands out. The brand is simply one of the most glamorous among the designer royalties but it's nice to know it had its share of humble beginnings once upon a time. It was in 1980 when Americans first met Fendi in the form of leather handbags. New York and Los Angeles were the first two states where the brand first made itself known in. Today, it's in every famous district in the United States and every famous fashion capital offshore. Part of Fendi's charm is not only its beautiful and innovative designs. They also have diversified and went to production of non-leather bags, fashion accessories, shoes, coats and even fragrances.

The brand itself is associated with fame, luxury, fashion and everything high-end. Indeed, it must deserve every bit of glory that it enjoys. It has been around since 1918 which makes it nearly a century old. Nobody can argue with a track record and reputation that lives that long a time. If Fendi got here in the perfect shape it is in right now, there's no doubt it deserves every fashoinista's adoration.

If you are wondering if the brand is a person's name, yes. It is the name of the husband of Adele Caserne who founded Fendi in Rome, Italy where they first sold exclusively fur and leather. Fourteen years later, the store branched out in the Via pIave region, still in Rome, where it became such a hit among those who had such fine taste in fashion. Every little bag and accessory became a fast favorite among locals and tourists and soon, the entire Fendi family was into the business.

The brand was already doing great but it was when Bloomingdale department store started displaying Fendi handbags that the name became an international hit. Soon, Europe was to be captured by this unmistakable fashion presence and then the rest of the USA.

Today, there is nothing glamorous that a Fendi shop won't give you. Be it a handbag, a purse or fashion accessories such as bracelets and earrings, Fendi will always ring that familiar bell.

Fendi handbags wholesale but not until you've read reviews from those who could tell you which wholesale designer bag wholesaler might just give you the best products and the beat deals. After all, that's what we're all looking for.

Monday, September 27, 2010

C4L &amp; WS HANABI Tree of CHIBI TESAGE Wallet, mini zip pouch, wristlet, Style 4, Biz Card Holders

C4L & WS HANABI Tree of CHIBI TESAGE Wallet, mini zip pouch, wristlet, Style 4, Biz Card HoldersVery useful Purse!

Size: 8 1/2" x 4" ( 21.6 x 10.28 cm )

Zip Top to easy access to tiny things inside. Using YKK Zipper, best quality zipper

You can use for bills, small change, check book, pens, lipstick, contact lenses case, eye drop, pill case, tea bags, business cards, credit cards and anything small things!
Organize your bag!!

Split Ring for Keys, charm and WriStrap, NeckStrap and Hip Strap.

made in New York, USA


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Legitimate Burberry Designer Handbag Wholesalers - Celebrity Handbag Suppliers Secrets

Finding legitimate Burberry designer handbag wholesalers at true wholesale prices for resale purposes can be a daunting task. The market is huge and the potential to make a nice profit selling handbags is great. You need a supplier who has a proven record of quality. I'm guessing you've either searched and searched the internet to find legitimate Burberry designer handbag wholesalers, only to come up empty-handed or have wasted money on worthless, so-called wholesale lists that are no more than the search results for a given keyword on Google.

Finding authentic Burberry designer handbag suppliers online doesn't have to be a major project. The market is huge but here's some things you need to make sure of when researching a potential supplier. Their directory needs to be up-to-date with free lifetime updates on the list. Probably the most important fact when deciding on a source is the warranty. The should offer you a Risk-Free, 100%, Money-Back Guarantee.

The most popular Burberry bags include the famous brown checks. The ultra-chic handbag that comes in blue is one of the most notable styles. Very common among the fashion conscious ladies the bag sports a very attractive leather trim. Similar leather strips in tan border the shoulder straps as well. Most legitimate Burberry handbag wholesalers will offer you a discount of between fifty and eight percent off the standard retail price. If you're being offered purses at prices higher than this by a supplier, you're probably not getting true wholesale prices and are going to have problems competing with other businesses who buy their handbags wholesale.

Legitimate Burberry designer handbag wholesalers will offer you a money-back guarantee on the authenticity of their handbags; after all, they should be able to make this guarantee!

Here's a great trusted source for Authentic designer handbags, check out

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Louis Vuitton Designer Handbag Fakes - How to Avoid the Fraud With Legitimate Wholesale Suppliers

One of the major frauds committed online is the Louis Vuitton designer handbag scam. This scam is started by a person who posts on either message boards, Twitter, MySpace, Blogs, Craigslist, eBay, Amazon or FaceBook pretending to wholesale designer handbags. After you contact the poster, this person will then e-mail you a made up list of merchandise that they "supposedly" have in stock with probably some beautiful pictures that they took off the internet. Then, when you decide to purchase some designerhandbags from them, they ask you to send them money via a method that is not traceable or reversible - check, money order, etc. So a few weeks pass by, you start to wonder and then worry where your handbags are. You try to contact them and guess what, they're off to the next scam.

I can tell you it is nearly impossible to get a real Louis Vuitton handbag to resell- you can get some vintage handbags to resell, but watch out because chances are you bought one really good Chinese imitation - there are a lot of fakes Louis Vuitton handbags out there! If a site claims that they carry authentic LV its most likely a Louis Vuitton handbag scam. I bet you didn't know that there is only one authorized store online that sells authentic Louis Vuitton handbags? Yup, ONE! If you buy Louis Vuitton from any other online source, it is more than likely that you are buying a very high-quality knock-off.

Now, you can either invest a lot of time and money into years of research, like many have done, or you can save the trial and error by following some simple guidelines to avoid falling prey to the Louis Vuitton designer handbag scam. Designer handbag wholesale suppliers who sell authentic designer handbags and purses will let you set up a wholesale account with them. Some of these suppliers offer authentic discounted designer handbags at up to 80% off. Yes, that is below the wholesale price! You will find major top designer handbag brands including: Prada, Fendi, Burberry, Chanel, Gucci, Vintage LouisVuitton.

First and foremost, Don't be fooled by the worthless junk lists and e-books that sell on eBay or other websites for $4.99. Save yourself some hard earned money...those lists are a total SCAM! Check Out for a Legitimate Wholesale List.

Designer Wholesale Sources

How to buy your favorite designer brands for a fraction of the retail price. Most popular brands available: Gucci, Dior, Fendi, Prada, Armani, D&g, Cavalli, Ferragamo. Find tons of Discount Designer Apparel, Accessories, and Handbags. Up to 90% Off!

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Wholesale Designer Handbags

If you have an eye for detail, you can save a lot of money while buying wholesale designer handbags for resale. At an auction, it is imperative to read the descriptions carefully, in order to bid appropriately. If you are planning to resell the handbags, it is also important to know if you are bidding on authentic or imitation ones. This information would keep you from being taken advantage of and would also aid you to appropriately price the handbags once you put them up for sale.

A good source for wholesale designer handbags is eBay. While the selection of handbags is not always reliable, it is worth checking out their wholesale category for price bargains. Once there, click onto ""women's accessories"" and type in the key words "handbags" or "purses" to search for wholesale designer handbags.

If you are looking for wholesale high-end designer handbags like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Versace, Burberry, Fendi, and Christian Dior, The Wholesale Clothing Registry is a good wholesale suppliers' directory. Each wholesaler is listed with an accurate business name, contact details, web address, contact name, and a complete description of the types of products that they offer. also offers high-end handbags from Louis Vuitton, Chloe, Mulberry, Hermes, and Fendi, although the website is not affiliated with any of the designers mentioned.

NY Wholesale Handbags ( carries a large line of handbags directly from the manufacturer and sells at low prices. They specialize in jelly, cigar box, leather, pop art, rhinestone, casual, and beaded handbags. Italy Wholesale Leather Handbags ( manufactures wholesale, handmade-leather handbags with exclusive designs. The products are priced according to the workmanship invested in each item, as well as the time involved by the specialized handicraftsmen.

Designer Handbags provides detailed information on Designer Handbags, Wholesale Designer Handbags, Discount Designer Handbags, Designer Inspired Handbags and more. Designer Handbags is affiliated with Designer Handbag.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wholesale Handbag Distributors - Designer Wholesale, Huge Profits

Get connections to the highly profitable designer wholesale market today! Obtain a closet-full of your fave designers Or start a successful fashion resale business. CBAs, gain commissions from our high exposure & our great knowledge of the industry!

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Wholesale Designer Handbag Online

These days, handbags, purses, totes and other fashion accessories are almost necessary for one who cares about looking and feeling good. Aside from the fact that bags are quite functional for carrying stuff around, they're also such things of beauty that every woman would always fall for. Good thing these items no longer come at such huge prices. These days, you wear any designer's name around and it won't be as if you had to blow your entire paycheck just to get one of those Prada masterpieces. Yes, it is possible to have that name on your handbag and buy it at a practical cost. Thanks to inspired handbag wholesale suppliers, glamor is so within reach.

Just because these items come so cheap, however, you can have the excuse to be indiscriminate when buying them. Definitely, there's a lot of things to consider when shopping for these fashion delights. Since online is the best place to look for these wholesale designer items, you should make sure you're dealing with a legit company. That means their product lists should be updated. There are those that put up online wholesale designer stores but they don't even have a decent supply of stocks. These are unscrupulous individuals who simply want to take advantage of the technology of online shopping without putting their fair share of the work. The most important thing to do first when shopping for these items online is to ascertain the integrity of the website you're looking to buy from.

Do examine the details of those wholesale items being put up for sale at that website. Check the designs and look into the prices. Since it's easy to put any picture on a website and have everyone believe it's actually on the wholesaler's product list, make sure you're dealing with a reputable online shop because it's the only way you can be sure that you're not being deceived. Some site owners don't even show pictures of their sold products and this should be immediately considered a red flag. Stay away from these sites because it's very likely that they're not the real thing.

Online is most certainly the most practical place to look for those designer items at reasonable prices. But it's important to realize that online is also the best place to dupe shoppers. What you can do is to check review sites devoted to wholesalers of designer products and check which of the wholesalers are probably going to give you the product and service that you deserve.

Cheap wholesale bags are certainly a breather these days when everybody's dealing with some form of economic crunch. But it's no reason to be reckless. Make sure you're dealing with responsible and trustworthy wholesale discount handbag suppliers and and stay away from those who somehow seem distant noncommittal as these are the ones who will most likely turn out as cons.