Are you trying to break into the designer purse business? Designer handbags are always big sellers because of their higher quality and the fact that they lend the wearer a certain aura of status. If you've checked prices on popular auction sites such as Ebay, you'll see that higher end designer purses can sometimes sell for small fortunes with multiple competing bidders. This makes the designer purse business seem like a certain path to wealth. Right?
Unfortunately, finding authentic designer purses at true wholesale prices for resale purposes can be a daunting task. Many of the so called "wholesalers" of designer purses on the internet are actually marketing their handbags at small discounts off of retail. This makes it quite difficult to realize a good return with so small a profit margin. To make matters even more frustrating, some companies offering good wholesale prices are actually selling replicas. To be successful, you need authentic designer handbags at wholesale prices. What's the solution?
Some people turn to lists of wholesale suppliers of designer purses that are widely sold on the internet. While some of these lists may have legitimate sources, it's unlikely the person selling the list is going to give away their very best suppliers. To be successful, you have to know how to find wholesalers on your own or use a reputable list.
A legitimate wholesaler of designer purses will offer you a discount of between fifty and eight percent off the standard retail price. If you're being offered purses at prices higher than this by a supplier, you're probably not getting true wholesale prices and are going to have problems competing with other businesses who buy their handbags wholesale. Don't fall victim to this just because you're in a hurry to start a designer purse business. You want to start your business off with merchandise you can resell for a profit.
Once you have your sources for designer purses at wholesale prices, you'll need to plan how to best reach potential buyers. Will you sell primarily online through a website or online auctions? A popular option these days is to sell purses through home parties. You can also market your bags to local offices in your area that employ women who don't have the time to leave the office to shop. Doing this can be as simple as speaking with the office manner and ask if you can set up a table during lunch to sell. You can also sell through nonprofit groups and give them a portion of the profits to fund their programs. The possibilities for making money selling designer purses are virtually endless. Start your business off with a good marketing plan and legitimate wholesale sources and you can write your own ticket for success.
Kristie Leong M.D. can show you how to find legitimate sources for authentic designer purses you can sell on Ebay. For more information, go to
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