If you are looking for a source for Fendi bags so you can resell them, the Internet is the perfect place to begin your quest because you can browse at your leisure. The internet offers a multitude of websites when looking for a designer handbag source. However, the trick will be finding an authentic bag supplier. Even though Prada handbags are estimated to be the most imitated fashion accessory, Fendi comes in at a close second. With celebrity royalties, like Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez, it's no surprise that most hot-blooded females long for a Fendi handbag.
Fendi originated in 1925, when a husband and a wife opened a small leather goods and fur shop in Italy. In 1965, Fendi commissions the ingenuity of a young Parisian designer, named Karl Lagerfeld, who designs the double "FF" trademark logo, solidifying it as the symbol of chic on fashion runways. Today, Fendi salons can be found around the world, and a good Fendi designer handbag source includes watches, fragrance, eyewear, ready-to-wear apparel and shoes, but perhaps most popular are Fendi handbags. Ranging from the famous "baguette" bags to the coveted Spy bags, purses average in price from $500 to $2500, with some styles costing as much as $10,000.
Fendi is extremely fashion-conscience releasing new designer handbag lines each and every season, so your buyers are bound to fall in love with one of the many styles of clutches, bucket bags, wallets, jean handbags, gathered handbags, half moon bags, baguettes or evening bags - in classic or trendy designs. Each handbag is designed and manufactured by hand rather than by production laborers. The leather used to create Fendi handbags should be of high quality. Also, the trim should always be make of leather and not plastic. They have created an assorted and complete line of handbags that are elegant and unique.
When looking for a designer handbag source don't be fooled by the worthless wholesale junk lists and e-Books. A designer handbag source will provide you with their company's complete contact information.
Happy Shopping!
Check Out a GREAT Source http://DesignerFashionHandbag.com
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