Due to the recent popularity of wholesale, and the easy access of the Internet, owning a designer handbag business these days is common. Because of the great prices you can get by purchasing brand name bags from wholesale suppliers, making money buying bags at wholesale prices enables online retailers to pocket a nice profit.
However, once you understand how the retail business works, you need to drive traffic to your online shop. There are tons of way you can market your designer handbag business to increase sales.
Auction Websites
Online auction sites, like eBay and Craigslist, are great avenues for online retailers as they already have a built it clientele. They have a popular website already set up so that all you need to do upload some photos and project descriptions and the auction site does all the work for you. Another great aspect of an auction site is that you can start the bidding at the lowest price you are willing to accept and occasionally a bidding war may erupt causing you to make more profit on an item than you expected. Make certain you are selling the real deal as bad feedback while discourage customers from buying from your shop.
Host a Party
A great way to get the word out about your new designer handbag business is to host a designer handbag party. Get together as many of your friends as you feel comfortable with and introduce them to what you do. Make a real party out of it my serving food and drinks, play fashion games, hold a drawing, or even have your own fashion show. You will want your friends to be able to see, feel and touch the merchandise so make certain to have a few sample products on hand. Offer free perks or product for those friends willing to host a designer purse party for their friends as well. This is expanding your customer base through word of mouth.
Open House
Set up shop in a room in your home and host and open house in the neighborhood so that potential clients can stop in. This way they get to meet you, hear more about your company, and see or purchase the products first hand. Have business cards ready to hand out with your website address on them as not all shoppers will be prepared to buy right away. Offer some refreshments and good conversation and they might not only buy some of your bags, but may also tell their friends and families about you. Post signs around the neighborhood announcing the open house. Plan to do one every few months to encourage current clients to see your new products or new clients to check you out.
Keep being creative and coming up with new ideas to get yourself out there. Conduct local businesses to see if you can set up a mini-shop during lunch, book a booth at a few craft fairs, get into social marketing websites like Facebook and Twitter, and perhaps create an online blog about what you do. The more you can pull off, the more attention you will receive and that is, ultimately, the way to build a successful business.
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