Monday, October 4, 2010

Authentic Designer Handbags - A Great Gift

With so many choices on the market, how do you choose the right authentic designer handbags of faith that fits your needs? Not only do you have to choose a handbag designer who is a stunning and which corresponds to your method of collection, but it should match your body type and among other things.

Do not go after updating fashion craze when selecting authentic designer handbags and instead look for something that will be well with you when to use and convenient way. Handbags are not supposed to take your property?

Most women make the mistake of buying a handbag which is greater than their body size or vice versa, which could have an adverse effect on their overall prospects when they go to show that new purchase.

If you're not a person up, you should choose a bottle-shaped purse or a backpack which is not very large. However, if you have a model similar to the figure, large and thin, you should go for round or square-shaped handbags.

Choose the specific color of your authentic designer handbags is also important. If you need a handbag that can adjust most of your robes, you must select a style colored handbag. Do keep in mind for the color corresponds well with dresses that you have.

Most women tend to be more reasonable and go for a simple handbag color that will match easily with all that you have in the wardrobe. This prevents you from having a headache when you need to go on an outing with a matching handbag.

Do not neglect your budget. Some May opt for the same replica designer handbags, but is this really what you want to blow your money?

It may look the same and have the same appeal at a discounted price to boot, but you'll certainly feel awkward when you walk beside a friend who owns authentic designer handbags.

Not all handbags authentic designer must be very costly if. There are many suppliers to sell them at wholesale prices if you can find them. Do not forget to select affordable authentic designer handbags for your needs.

Casandra Brooks is a designer purse enthusiast, always willing to talk Designer Handbags or almost anything designer orientated. On her spare time Casandra researches Designer Purses

Authentic Handbags Wholesale - It's a Girl's Party!

There's nothing that makes a woman feel like a fashion hottie more than a stunningly gorgeous designer handbag. And the variety it comes in makes things even more rewarding. There's one of every shape, size, color and designer name and the fact that these bags are now selling at much cheaper prices is great news. One can even get them wholesale which means she can have collections upon collections of these bags all at once. Indeed, there's probably no time in the history of fashion handbags that they have been more fun, exciting and a part of every girl's life as they are now.

Of course, with the wide selection of possible choices to make, the task of actually choosing becomes just a little bit difficult. Just like any fashion item, a designer handbag, no matter what name it brings, should be chosen with consideration for the wearer's height and body shape for the most part. While it's tempting for every woman to choose a bag that's hot during a fashion season, it's always wise to stick to the basics. When it comes to shape, a golden rule may be to choose something slim and lengthy for short women and something large and round for tall ones. Most women also wear handbags to match their shoes, but those who are always on a budget will find it wise to choose neutral colors such as black, white and beige. With neutral colors, there's no need to keep buying new shoes that match the handbags or the other way around.

Any body type or height will obviously look good with either leather, canvas, or any other type of material. The quality of workmanship will be the most important as well as the occasion to which the bag is worn. Leathers are more flexible in the sense that one can use them for both formal and informal occasions, with differences being mainly on the design and size of the bag. Although it's good to carry around something lightweight, the best leathers are usually heavier. Canvas, however, tends to be awkward-looking when worn during formal evening occasions.

When it comes to price, all fashion-loving gals are ecstatic about recent trends that have made these wardrobe must-haves so much more affordable. Plus, there's an option for one to go into her own handbag business. Because anyone can get authentic handbags wholesale, these items come out even cheaper and with the option of being retailed. Indeed, a whole world of possibilities has been opened for women who don't only want to look good but make good income as well.

If you have any plans to add to your growing collection, check out online reviews about wholesale hand bag suppliers so you'll know where it's best to get yours and make sure you get no less than authentic handbags wholesale.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Selling Designer Handbags - How to Jump Start Your Wholesale Purse Business

Due to the recent popularity of wholesale, and the easy access of the Internet, owning a designer handbag business these days is common. Because of the great prices you can get by purchasing brand name bags from wholesale suppliers, making money buying bags at wholesale prices enables online retailers to pocket a nice profit.

However, once you understand how the retail business works, you need to drive traffic to your online shop. There are tons of way you can market your designer handbag business to increase sales.

Auction Websites

Online auction sites, like eBay and Craigslist, are great avenues for online retailers as they already have a built it clientele. They have a popular website already set up so that all you need to do upload some photos and project descriptions and the auction site does all the work for you. Another great aspect of an auction site is that you can start the bidding at the lowest price you are willing to accept and occasionally a bidding war may erupt causing you to make more profit on an item than you expected. Make certain you are selling the real deal as bad feedback while discourage customers from buying from your shop.

Host a Party

A great way to get the word out about your new designer handbag business is to host a designer handbag party. Get together as many of your friends as you feel comfortable with and introduce them to what you do. Make a real party out of it my serving food and drinks, play fashion games, hold a drawing, or even have your own fashion show. You will want your friends to be able to see, feel and touch the merchandise so make certain to have a few sample products on hand. Offer free perks or product for those friends willing to host a designer purse party for their friends as well. This is expanding your customer base through word of mouth.

Open House

Set up shop in a room in your home and host and open house in the neighborhood so that potential clients can stop in. This way they get to meet you, hear more about your company, and see or purchase the products first hand. Have business cards ready to hand out with your website address on them as not all shoppers will be prepared to buy right away. Offer some refreshments and good conversation and they might not only buy some of your bags, but may also tell their friends and families about you. Post signs around the neighborhood announcing the open house. Plan to do one every few months to encourage current clients to see your new products or new clients to check you out.

Keep being creative and coming up with new ideas to get yourself out there. Conduct local businesses to see if you can set up a mini-shop during lunch, book a booth at a few craft fairs, get into social marketing websites like Facebook and Twitter, and perhaps create an online blog about what you do. The more you can pull off, the more attention you will receive and that is, ultimately, the way to build a successful business.

70% Discounts On All Wholesale Designer Handbags
It is advisable to buy these fashionable, designer bags from legitimate and experienced drop shippers like Salehoo. Buyers will buy their bags based on their usability and distinctiveness. They need to know where they can use these bags. Get Salehoo Wholesale Directory (Platinum Edition) Limited Versions of Salehoo Wholesaler Directory.

Wholesale Designer Handbag Suppliers

The first step in getting into the business of designer handbags is to set up a budget. Decide how much you want to spend on purchasing the handbag and how much you could sell it for in order to make it a profitable business. Once you've established a budget, the most important step is finding a trustworthy and reliable wholesale designer handbag supplier.

What is a supplier and how do I find one? This is probably your next thought. A wholesale designer handbag supplier is the middle person between you and your customer, providing you with quality designer handbags. Designer handbag suppliers are not hard to find. They can be found online through purse clubs, online auction sites or search engines. Or suppliers can be found locally at places like trade shows or flea markets. However, not everyone supplier that you find is reliable. Advice from the experts is to research as many suppliers as possible before making a decision. Don't just choose the first one you come in contact with because that supplier might not be a legitimate one.


When looking for a supplier you want to make sure they are trustworthy, can offer you quality designer handbags and affordable prices, and have a reliable reputation. Ultimately the supplier you choose determines the type of customers you will have and the success of your designer handbag business.

Want to find out more information about designer handbags? Visit to locate suppliers, wholesalers, or liquidators for any authentic designer handbag. Become a club member and gain all the tools you need to start your own designer handbag business, or Purse Pary Business.

Wholesale Designer Handbags - A Fashion and Business Trend

Designer handbags seem to have this unwritten requirement for physical hugeness for them to be fashionably huge as well. These days, the in thing are those bags where you could practically put everything you normally find in your dresser such as your makeup, your jewelry, your cellphones and their chargers, to name a few. Whether it's increased usability or merely the fashion flash of huge designer bags, this trend is definitely in full swing.

Some of the more particularly celebrated names during this period in fashion handbag history are the classics such as Louis Vuitton and Coco Chanel who, among others, have just resurrected handbags that are created for function. Wiped out are those little cutesy thingies where nothing seems to fit except the owner's fingers. Now, whether you're a career woman rushing off to a corporate presentation or a housewife picking up some quick groceries at the convenience store, huge bags make you in step with style.

As usual, the variety is something to keep getting excited about. Colors come in the standards blacks and grays and whites without shunning the bolder and sunnier hues that are always great for daytime. From Louis Vuitton's Speedy 35 to Chanel's comebacking quilted 2.55, everything is a perfect combination of style and usability. With a lot of room to use, the wearer is afforded that convenience of having everything she needs in one handbag while still looking fab!

If you want an instant collection of these designer treasures, you can have them as wholesale discount handbags, purses and even jewelry. Big or small, there's nothing you won't find wholesale. But when it comes to the business side of it, there's only big things waiting. When you buy wholesale, you buy cheap which then leaves you a lot of room to make profit out of each designer bag or item you sell. Just put up a website and you've got your own business. Think of how many girls or women just like you would like to have those very designer handbags you're probably considering buying right now.

A wholesale handbag supplier is a few clicks away from this page and if you want nothing less than authentic handbags wholesale, whether for personal or business use, waste no time and start connecting now.

How to Find Cheap and Quality Replica Designer Handbag and Purses

Many of us would like to carry around glamorous designer handbags and purses to look sophisticated and stylish. These items nowadays serves not only its practical function, but also are used as a status symbol or for emphasizing the user's identity. Their high prices might be beyond our budget, as designer handbags cost beyond $1000. Besides, a major disadvantage of designer handbags and purses is that they become outdated soon. So replicas of these items are more viable than the original one. Women of moderate income can therefore own several bags at the cost of an original. As depending on the trend, they can get latest bags.

To cater to such a target segment there are some companies manufacturing replicas of designer handbags and purses. Many of these companies sell their products both in show rooms and shops, as well as in online stores. So it is not hard to find locations selling such bags.

Approach Required for Locating These Replica Designer Items

First thing you must do is find out information about the various replicas or knock-off designer handbags and purses. You can learn about the current trends and different products available from the various gossip and fashion magazines. Find out the details of the original designer bag or purse, whose replica you want to buy. If you are buying from showrooms or shops, you can examine the item carefully before purchasing and look over the details as well.

To get information about the stores and showrooms selling designer bags and purses, search the Yellow Pages. If you prefer to buy online, there are several online stores selling these items. Search engines will give you links to the numerous online stores.

You must not buy your handbag or purse from the first shop. Instead you must shop around to search for bargain prices that are within your price range. If the replica items must be of good quality and high-grade material and are hand-stitched, they might cost around $200-$500. Though price is important, it is also necessary to look for quality. So while purchasing, it is necessary to ensure that you do it from a reputable store, whether it is an online store or otherwise.

Another option is to search for replica handbags and purses in auction sites like Amazon and eBay. From wherever you purchase the items, take care to ensure that you are buying replicas and not fake designer handbags and purses. Replicas are lawful items, since they are not sold as authentic items and are a little different from the original ones. On the other hand, fake handbags, as well as purses are illegal and are exact copies of designer items, even together with their logos.

Many of the stores offer shipping facility. You can place your order and get them send to your doorstep in top condition, without any aggravation. Before purchasing, check out the displayed disclaimer statement like "inspired by" or are in a "particular designer style" and are not making false claims or are designer copies, which is illegal.

BeuBag Offers Wholesale Replica HandBags, leather replica designer handbags, Discount Replica Handbags, Original Replica Handbags Wholesale. We specialize in wholesale of replica Gucci bags, replica Fendi bags, replica Louis Vuitton bags and many more brands.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wholesale Designer Handbag Power!

It's girl belief that a girl's handbag is a reflection of its wearer. It is said that by the handbag one uses, her personality shines through. The choices of color, shape, texture and brand are some of the parameters of defining specific styles that women may sport. And when it comes to style, handbags are, of course, major.

Designer handbags, when bought from those fancy and glamorous designer shops, would cost anyone a fortune. In this day and age when everything seems to be rising but our income, these designer bags are simply way out of our league. Unless we're filthy rich, we could never really truly afford these bags without having to sacrifice some of the more essential expenses we need to make. However, those days of giving up our dreams for these fashion accessories are finally over. These days, we can get exactly the same quality and look, from Coach to Balenciaga, at prices that we'll only love.That's right. With wholesale designer handbags, you can have your very own collection of those famous names right in your own closet. And they don't have to cost you your whole house because these items are so affordable you wouldn't believe they're even real. But, of course, they are.

Many girls have been taking advantage of this latest development in fashion accessories and everyone couldn't be thankful enough. If you've always dreamed of owning a Vuitton collection but knew you could never afford even a single piece, stop dreaming. Now, that is very possible with wholesale designer handbags.If you're wondering where to get these heaven-sent thingies, you'll simply need to connect to the Internet and begin searching for wholesale designer handbags. You'll be amazed at the very large number of online dealers turning up on your search results.

Now, it's all up to you to make your choice as to which of these dealers to buy from. Because there are many, it would certainly be a good idea to look into customer reviews or blogs where you could find a good idea how a particular dealer would probably satisfy you as a customer. For example, if there have been complaints about an online store's goods, you can obviously take a cue from there. Naturally, you need to find a store with good reviews because that's the only way you can gauge what would probably happen when it's your turn to buy those bags from them.

Check out reviews to know where the best ones are if you're looking to buy wholesale handbags and other accessories including fashion purses wholesale, canvas bags, evening bags and more!

Glam and Profits With Wholesale Designer Handbags

Of course, it's true. You can wear glam for a much cheaper price these days. But it doesn't have to mean quality diminished. You can buy designer handbags without having to blow off your budget just like that. These days, everything can be as simple as getting online, finding yourself a wholesaler with nice reviews and choosing among those rocking designer bags as though they weren't a thing of the rich not too long ago. The nice twist is you can grow your own collection and, at the same time, your own business! That's what you get for buying wholesale.

Whether you're buying those bags for personal or business use or both, it will be a very good idea to familiarize yourself with how authentic designer bags actually look like. Pay attention to seemingly trivial details which always have the uncanny ability to tell a million stories about the bag. Zippers, tassels and other accessories are often the easiest way to tell genuine from fake, so make sure you know how to spot a good buy before actually making that purchase. The way logos are made is also very crucial when it comes to good designer bags. In other words, know what to look for and you'll always have a nice dose of designer glory, whether on yourself or that retail shop you're planning to put up.

Now go out and look around for wholesalers you could consider for your first batch of purchases. The best move around this part is comparing what the different stores have and deciding which one gives you the best deal. Aside from bags, you can, of course, buy other designer items such as fashion purses wholesale, designer sunglasses and other fashion accessories. These can make your retail line more attractive to your own customers. Of course, you have to ensure quality when offering them your stocks.

These days, you don't even need a physical location to conduct business. You can simply put up a site or even just a blog from where you can display and accept order for your stocks. In fact, online designer shops are quite the trend these days because it helps for online merchants to be able to offer their customers great discounts if they didn't have to pay for operational costs that traditional stores necessitate. Hence, with just a well-established presence on the Internet and good designer items, you can make money while fattening your own designer collection.

Inspired handbag wholesale dealers online and off will usually have piles of stocks from which you could choose, ranging from wholesale evening bags to fashion jewelry. It will take a lot of patience finding the best deals and, of course, good know-how about what make good finds before you can actually watch your own retail designer business taking off.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Purses and Handbags - Different Yet the Same

I was at the shopping mart a couple of days ago and was looking through the purses and the wholesale handbags section and looking at all those lovely bags, a thought suddenly shot through my mind: Is there really a difference between purses and handbags -- because they all look the same to me. Well, according to the ever reliable dictionary a purse (p?rs) is defined as a woman's small bag or pouch used for carrying money, keys, it could also be a wallet whereas a handbag (h nd b g ) is described to be a piece of small hand luggage. So basing on that they're pretty much considering that both bags are said to be small.

But, personally and in retrospect, I could say that there really is a difference between the two. Basing on my observation and during casual conversations with friends, I find purses the smallest amongst the bag family, almost like a pouch, which I often use for keeping my really tiny stuff like coins, lipstick, make-up, or ponytails. As for handbags, every time I hear the word I picture out elongated or rectangular bags which are more on the elegant side and are often filled with studs and glitters that you can use on night-outs and dates or any other special occasions.

Moving on, in whichever way you might want to put it, purses and handbags were made for the same purpose - they were fashionably designed to be typically used by women to hold items such as wallet, keys, tissues, makeup, a hairbrush, cellular device or personal digital assistant, feminine products, or other items. And I should say that they are the most convenient and stylish bag that a woman could carry with her, by this I mean that nobody could ever go wrong with either a purse or a wholesale handbags!

How To Get Designer Handbags At Wholesale Prices

Are you trying to break into the designer purse business? Designer handbags are always big sellers because of their higher quality and the fact that they lend the wearer a certain aura of status. If you've checked prices on popular auction sites such as Ebay, you'll see that higher end designer purses can sometimes sell for small fortunes with multiple competing bidders. This makes the designer purse business seem like a certain path to wealth. Right?

Unfortunately, finding authentic designer purses at true wholesale prices for resale purposes can be a daunting task. Many of the so called "wholesalers" of designer purses on the internet are actually marketing their handbags at small discounts off of retail. This makes it quite difficult to realize a good return with so small a profit margin. To make matters even more frustrating, some companies offering good wholesale prices are actually selling replicas. To be successful, you need authentic designer handbags at wholesale prices. What's the solution?

Some people turn to lists of wholesale suppliers of designer purses that are widely sold on the internet. While some of these lists may have legitimate sources, it's unlikely the person selling the list is going to give away their very best suppliers. To be successful, you have to know how to find wholesalers on your own or use a reputable list.

A legitimate wholesaler of designer purses will offer you a discount of between fifty and eight percent off the standard retail price. If you're being offered purses at prices higher than this by a supplier, you're probably not getting true wholesale prices and are going to have problems competing with other businesses who buy their handbags wholesale. Don't fall victim to this just because you're in a hurry to start a designer purse business. You want to start your business off with merchandise you can resell for a profit.

Once you have your sources for designer purses at wholesale prices, you'll need to plan how to best reach potential buyers. Will you sell primarily online through a website or online auctions? A popular option these days is to sell purses through home parties. You can also market your bags to local offices in your area that employ women who don't have the time to leave the office to shop. Doing this can be as simple as speaking with the office manner and ask if you can set up a table during lunch to sell. You can also sell through nonprofit groups and give them a portion of the profits to fund their programs. The possibilities for making money selling designer purses are virtually endless. Start your business off with a good marketing plan and legitimate wholesale sources and you can write your own ticket for success.

Kristie Leong M.D. can show you how to find legitimate sources for authentic designer purses you can sell on Ebay. For more information, go to

Wholesale Designer Handbags

If you have an eye for detail, you can save a lot of money while buying wholesale designer handbags for resale. At an auction, it is imperative to read the descriptions carefully, in order to bid appropriately. If you are planning to resell the handbags, it is also important to know if you are bidding on authentic or imitation ones. This information would keep you from being taken advantage of and would also aid you to appropriately price the handbags once you put them up for sale.

A good source for wholesale designer handbags is eBay. While the selection of handbags is not always reliable, it is worth checking out their wholesale category for price bargains. Once there, click onto ""women's accessories"" and type in the key words "handbags" or "purses" to search for wholesale designer handbags.

If you are looking for wholesale high-end designer handbags like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Versace, Burberry, Fendi, and Christian Dior, The Wholesale Clothing Registry is a good wholesale suppliers' directory. Each wholesaler is listed with an accurate business name, contact details, web address, contact name, and a complete description of the types of products that they offer. also offers high-end handbags from Louis Vuitton, Chloe, Mulberry, Hermes, and Fendi, although the website is not affiliated with any of the designers mentioned.

NY Wholesale Handbags ( carries a large line of handbags directly from the manufacturer and sells at low prices. They specialize in jelly, cigar box, leather, pop art, rhinestone, casual, and beaded handbags. Italy Wholesale Leather Handbags ( manufactures wholesale, handmade-leather handbags with exclusive designs. The products are priced according to the workmanship invested in each item, as well as the time involved by the specialized handicraftsmen.

Designer Handbags provides detailed information on Designer Handbags, Wholesale Designer Handbags, Discount Designer Handbags, Designer Inspired Handbags and more. Designer Handbags is affiliated with Designer Handbag.